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The Close Integration of Ideological and Political Education and Students Majors——The Second Commendation Meeting to Summarize the Ideological and Political Teaching of HBAFA

【Sources: 】 【Author:】 【Release time:2018-01-11】 【Preview

At 10 a.m. on the 9th of January, the Teaching and Research Department of Ideological and Political Course of HBAFA held the second commendation meeting to summarize the achievements of Ideological and Political Courses in the conference room on the fifth floor in Lizhi Building (known as “Northern High Building”). About 130 people, including Zhou Junshe, the Deputy Director of Propaganda Department of the CPC Xinle Committee, Wang Zhimin, the Vice President and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of HBAFA, leaders in relevant departments, 8 guests, and representatives of teachers and students, attended the meeting.

Hao Aihong, the Director of Department mentioned above, introduced the teaching practice of Ideological and Political Courses in 2017. From the late of March to the beginning of December in 2017, the Department has organized over 10 practices in various forms with 10,000-plus participants from all the schools and grades in HBAFA. The meeting was to commend the distinctive students and teams. Meanwhile, hundreds of works generated in the practices, including calligraphy, traditional Chinese paintings, oil paintings, and sculptures, were exhibited on campus.



Director Hao Hihong is giving a speech.

The Meeting praised 195 students in total, including 14 positive individuals and 18 practice teams. The student delegate, Jin Xiaofeng from the class of 17823 in the School of Calligraphy, shared his feelings in the practices and realized that the close integration of practice and theory changed their stereotyped image of Ideological and Political Courses and motivated their desire to learn.



The student delegate is giving a speech.

Zhou Junshe, the Deputy Director of Propaganda Department of the CPC Xinle Committee, gave recognition to the teaching of ideological and political courses in practice. In his view, the Academy should excavate and publicize the cultural connotation of Fu Hsi, a legendary emperor of China, absorb and learn the positive elements in Chinese traditional culture, and enhance the soft power of the Academy with its own advantages. The Propaganda Department of the CPC Xinle Committee is willing to build special brand in ideological and political education for college students.



Zhou Junshe, Deputy Director, is summarizing the meeting.

Wang Zhimin, the Vice President and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of HBAFA, also summarized the meeting, recognized the work of the Teaching and Research Department of Ideological and Political Course in recent years, and highlighted the significance of ideological and political courses in college. Meanwhile, he demanded the Department to work harder in the future, continue to explore new ways of practical teaching and turn the “Three Entries” into reality in accordance with the spirit of national ideological and political conference and the 19th CPC National Congress.



The Deputy Secretary and outside experts present prizes to students.

In recent years, making sure the efficiency of theory teaching in class, the Department also values the design and implementation of practical teaching, which combines the class, campus, and society together, has changed students’ attitude towards ideological and political course from “passive” to “positive”, and got their interest. The practical activities respect students’ subjectivity, fully mobilize the initiative and enthusiasm of students, and place high moral values establishment and people cultivation at first, improving the pertinence and effectiveness of practical teaching.




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